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care of mother cat after birth


I have a 9 month old cat that a week ago gave birth to 6 kittens sadley during the week one by one they past cat seems to be in good health eating and going to toilet like she should be but I was just wondering will her milk dry up by itself or will i have to give her something to help that process along and is there anything else that she will need or should i let nature take its course.

Hi Jackie,

That's so sad!  Do you know why the kittens died?  Its very unusual that all the kittens would die unless they have a disease passed on by the mom, like Feline Leukemia, or if the mom didn't have a maternal instinct to take care of them, which is rare. They may also have had Panleukopenia which is something adult cats are vaccinted for but if she hasn't been vaccinated she wouldn't have had the antibodies to pass on to them and they wouldn't have had any natural immunity.  If she's a carrier of either of these diseases this will keep happening.  While the mom's milk should dry up by itself I would take her to the vet to have her checked for any diseases that might have caused the kitten's deaths.  You might consider having her spayed, too.