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Mom cat has no milk


my cat has had 3 litters , we managed to feed/save one from the last litter, is this problem going to happen every time ? If so we should get her fixed as it's really not possible to hand rear ,


I am trying to figure out the question?  Has your mother cat had milk for any of her litters?

In any case, there are a couple of things we do:  

(1) About 3 days before birth up until 3 days after birth, we feed the mother cat 1 capsule of marshmallow root (available from any pharmacy or health food store) two times a day.  Our cats are not easy to pill, but they will eat the marshmallow root when we mix the capsule's contents with a good strained meat baby food (only ingredients are strained meat and broth or gravy). Most cats will kill for the baby food and we find we can mix all kinds of stuff in baby food and they will eat it.

(2) When you think the mother cat is done giving birth, a visit to the vet for an oxytocin shot helps shrink and condition the uterus, flush out any placentas or kittens that may not have been delivered (one at a time), and help in milk production.

In most cats, milk can become evident a week before birth or not come in until birthing has taken place. If this is chronic from the first litter, your idea of getting her spayed has merit.

We have done hand rearing with mixed results and it is not any fun unless the kittens actually thrive.

Best regards... Norm.