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cat retuns to old home


i recently moved about five miles away ; my cat seemed to be settled in after about a week, however after about ten day he disappeared and i saw him at my old place about five miles away. i tried to get him and he wouldn t come to me question is how to i get him to come to me

James, it is not uncommon for cats to have strong attachments to territory. At this point I would set up a humane trap with smelly fishy goodies in it and monitor it until you catch him...The other suggestion I have is to tell the folks in your old house to let him in and call you when they have him. To stop kitty from running away you are going to have to keep him indoors. If he is not neutered you will want to do that as well, neutering curbs the urge to wander. As for the humane trap do not leave it set up when you can't be there...Your kitty could suffer horribly if trapped in there and left for too long...If you should happen to catch wildlife you will need to call in the appropriate resource to help you release it, but while you make that call cover the cage with an old blanket or towel. Humane traps are relatively cheap to purchase and can sometimes be borrowed from vet clinics and animal shelters. Good luck catching your kitty and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.