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Cat and Kitten interaction


Hi, I have 2 cats, Phebe who is 9, female and siamese, and Mo 3 month male siamese. Is it completely normal for the kitten to chase the older one around the house and try to jump on her? (both are declawed and fixed). Phebe will hiss swat and growl still. and its been a month. with him doing this to her will it make her never accept him? He doesn't do it 24/7, but a few times out of the day! And when this hissing swatting and growling is going on i dont make a noise to break it up right? i just sit back and let them do it? I always break it up if i am there and then Phebe runs and hides! and also Mo, when he is releasing energy and running like mad man around the house he makes this "gremlin like sound" its soooo funny and i never heard anything like that before, have you?? Thanks much for your help


Let your cat and kitten sort out dominance. It is normal for them to play fight and grumble at each other a bit. If things are getting out of hand in other words things are looking more like a fight with blood and hissing, scratching and caterwauling then by all means step in with a water pistol and break it up, but as for normal play fighting and establishing who is boss, it is normal and allow it to happen. As for the gremlin sound, not something that I have experienced, but it sounds like your little one is full of personality. Enjoy your new family member. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.