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nuetered boy cat


I just gotten my cat nuetered today. Its the first one i ever had to be nuetered so i dont know anything about it. I was wondering if its allright for him to be licking the area the same day he was fixed? Im really worried about that. I would also like to know when it will be safe for him to go outside. I dont want him to get an infection or anything.

Hi Elaine,

Its fine if he's licking the area as long as its not excessive.  Males have a lot easier time of it when they're fixed than females, for the females its major surgery.  I would give your boy a few days before you let him outside and he should be fine.  I appreciate your neutering him, so many people think its no big deal to let an unaltered cat roam, but its bad for the cat (they get into fights with other males) and it leads to unwanted kittens.  So, thanks for doing your part to keep the population down.