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kitty constipation


My kids  rescued  5 kittens. The one's behind is swollen, marble size at his rear. I think it is constipated. They said his little belly was hard, now it's not. And he is not swollen like he was. He spends alot of time in the litter box. Can you help?

Definitely sounds like constipation could be a possibility.  So could diarrhea - just the sheer irritation of the bowel and anus can cause them to feel like they need to go when they don't, and the swelling can be from pushing.  Obviously, you'd be seeing diarrhea in the litter box in this case.

Constipation can turn deadly in a matter of a few days.  Toxins build in the bloodstream.  Diarrhea can become life-threatening quickly in kittens, too, because they go hypoglycemic and get dehydrated so easily if they don't get enough nutrients.  So really, I have to say he should see a vet.

Giving a cat with a history of constipation a lubricant or adding fiber to the diet in the form of Metamucil or pea or squash baby food mixed into canned food can help keep him regular.  But when the cat is already constipated, these generally aren't enough.  Most cats will require an enema from the vet, or a stimulant to get the bowels moving.  And it should be treated ASAP.  If left too long, the bowels can be stretched and weakened, causing a life threatening condition called megacolon.  This results in chronic constipation leading to total obstruction.  So definitely, a vet visit is in order.