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small bump on cat


Hi, My cat Cuddles, a 9year tortoise shell cat has had a very small bump on the back of her neck under her collar on the right side since she was a kitten, I noticed last night that the bump has gotten bigger and has a scab in the middle. It doesn't seem to bother her at all. I don't know if maybe she just scratched it. She is strictly in indoor cat and also doesn't have any problems with fleas. Do you know what this bump might be and what I should do?

Thank you,

no I couldn't say what the bump is but if she has had it since she was a kitten and she is now 9 then I would wonder if it was something like a mole or wart. And just like a mole or wart if it changes in anyway i.e bleeds, gets bigger etc then I would definitely suggest that you get a vet to take a look at it in case it now needs removing.

best wishes kate