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My cats behaviour change


My 9 year old cat Che Che has been acting very weird lately. Just in the past few days she has been really affectionate towards all the people in our house, and she meows constantly and when she comes to you she just purrs and rubs her head on you. She follows us everywhere around the house. The thing that is really odd is that she attacked my one dog last night and hurt the dog's ear pretty badly, and then today she attacked my other dog. We have had the dogs for 12 and 10 years, so they have been living together for a while. I have another cat, he is a year old and they have been fighting too, but Che Che will just attack the dogs for no reason. Could you please help me with this, i have no idea what is going on with her and why she is doing this.

Thank You,

Hi Kate,

I would first get her checked at the vets. Any negative change in behavior in an older cat usually signals a health problem. If she is just going after the dogs she might have a problem with them invading her space when you are not looking. It could be something as simple as eating her food. Watch the dogs and see if they are doing something to annoy her. Since she isn't attacking you it is pointing to some sort of behavior on the dogs part. After you have her checked out at the vets, watch the dogs. You'll most likely find your answer there. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen