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Water Bowl Problems


   Hi, I have a 7-8 month old female, non-spayed, polydactyl mackeral tabby. We got her when she was around 3-5 weeks old (super cute) and I know for a fact that she was weened incredibly early as it is apparent when she kneeds and suckles on any soft surface in my apartment. While this isn't a problem i figured I'd give you as much information about Mao-mao (her name) as possible before asking this my main question.

   She seems to never have learned to drink from a bowl properly. When she drinks, instead of hunkering down infront of it and lapping it up, she leans on one of her front paws and crudely (and somewhat humorously) laps at the water while using the paw she isn't leaning on to scratch at the air around, or the lip of the bown itself. She's in no pain on said foot pawing at the air as she will alternate. I just figured that it's her best attempt to drink from her bowl. However, lately, she's been grabbing the lip of her bowl and pulling it, or straight up dumping the water, all over the floor, and would rather drink the water off the floor than from the bowl.

  I've heard of cats flipping food dishes over to try and instictively cover their food for safe keeping, but i have hardwood floors and the water is beginging to wreak havoc. We've tried placing towels under it to give the bowl a bit more traction, but she just scratches at it even harder so that it sloshes out.

  My girlfriend and I aren't in anyway going to give up on getting her to stop as we love our cat to the max. But, this has to stop. Any suggestions?

Hi Ryan,
I actually have a kitten that was doing the same thing....the part about tipping the bowl over. I would come home to a "river" in my kitchen!  I went to PetSmart and bought a heavy crock type bowl that is too heavy for her to spill.  There are also specially weighted bowls for that.  I don't have any more problems, so I hope it helps you out too!
God Bless,