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is something wrong with my cat


my cat has just been peeing all over the house 2day right in front of me last time he did it i noticed that his urine is a dark orange almost red.  I just lost my job I have about $22 to my name.  I can not afford to take him 2 an emergency credit they all want cash up front.  Do you know whats wrong with him or how serious it is?  Is their any home remedy I can do for him? Will he be alrite to wait til tuesday?

Hello P!
I'm sorry to have to give you bad news, but this could be serious. The dark colored urine you see is actually blood in his urine. It means he has a severe kidney infection. Male cats are prone to getting stopped up, and when this happens it is fatal if not treated.  They will often not use their litter box , so what he is doing is very typical.  Right now he is peeing blood and if it gets to the point where he strains instead of peeing then he is stopped up.  I hate to tell you this, but this will NOT get better and there is no over the counter remedy.  He must see a Vet for antibiotcs as soon as possible.  If he gets stopped up, they will need to catherize him and clear the urethra.  If I were you, I would call every Vet you can, and plead your case.  Vets will now how serious this is.  Call your local humane society. Tell them that you have no money but your cat is seriously ill.  I pray that someone will be kind enough to help you.  As I said, I wish I had better news for you, but this is not a good situation.