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cat havng babies


my cat lost her mucas plug friday,within an hour she was acting like she was in labor,panting and contractions ahout 5 hours into it  she stopped and went to sleep, the same thing happened the next day, she was licking like crazy and u could see he stomach contracting  (she has dropped) now here it is sunday and still no babies,, she will start to lick and then in the snap of a finger shes sleeping, shes not stressing  and her appetite is fine  she sleeps most of the day and if i leave the room she crys for me to come back, im wondering when these babies will finally get here, i feel them moving around so i know that is ok,, im jsut puzzled as to why thins is taking so long, thanks for any help or advice u can give me,, thsi is all new to me,, thanks Trish~


It sounds to me as if she is having positioning contractions.  These tend to be relatively mild and somewhat far apart.

On the other hand, if she is having serious birthing contractions and not producing anything, a visit to your vet may very well be in order.  Usally, birthing contractions take about am hour of very hard work to produse the first kitten (about 50% of all kittens are breech, so do not be surprised if the first kitten comes out backwards).

My guess is that she had not begun hard labor in earnest yet, but I could be worng. If you have any doubts, see your veterinarian.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.