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Lean female kitten with hanging belly.



I have a female burmese kitten that is 16 weeks old, lean and healthy. She has a belly that seems to be just a little bit of baggy skin and looks out of place on her lean body. I was wondering if this is typical and if it is something that she'll out grow.



Hi Chad.  Yes, it's very typical that a seemingly healthy kitten will have a little paunch.  You will probably notice that this little skin bit will "retract" almost as she grows into a full sized cat... and once she is spayed (which I'm assuming she will be!) there will probably be a little bit of skin that sags down, if you will.  That's very normal - each of my female kitties has this and have had it since they were spayed.  It's very normal, and the odds are that your precious little kitty is just fine.

Good luck!