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cat pooh and blood


Hi, i have noticed that my 14 year old cat has blood in his feces, can you please get back to me and tell me what you think the problem is, my cat seems very healthy otherwise, thank's

Hi Andy.  You really need to have your kitty to the vet.  He or she should see the doctor at least twice a year at this age, whether he appears healthy or not.

Blood in the stool could be caused by constipation or diarrhea, parasites like hookworms, which are extremely dangerous, gastrointestinal lymphoma, colitis and dietary intolerances, among others.  Since each needs to be treated in a different way, a vet needs to diagnose the problem and prescribe a treatment.

So schedule a vet visit.  And try to get a fresh stool sample for testing.  You should store it in the fridge until your visit.