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cat urinating/defacating


My male cat is neutered, age 4.  after moving my bed into my daughters bedroom for her to have, he urinated and defacated on the bed.  A couple days later he defacated in the middle of the living room.  Is he upset about the moving of furniture? although it is the same furniture he knows?  or is he trying to tell me his is ill?

It's possible he's upset about the furniture.  When a cat who normally uses the litter box starts not to, it's either a physical issue or a behavioral one.  Generally cats with urinary tract infections will still defecate in the litter box, but it wouldn't hurt to take him in to rule that out, especially if he keeps doing it.  Sometimes switching to a different kind of litter can make them not want to use it. (Some cats are very particular about the texture of their litter.)  If you know its not the litter, or that the litter box needs to be cleaned, then I always think its smart to err on the side of caution and take them in to the vet for a physical.
