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My cats strange behavior


Lately, my kitten has been acting weird. Usually shes a lively  kitten and runs around alot. But lately, she has been making this weird noise, a cross between purring and wheezing and she looks like shes in pain. Shes also listless. Shes reluctant to lie directly on her stomach and is constantly making the weird noise. She is also constantly licking her butt and I just noticed that maybe there is a clear maybe white liquid leaking out. I'm not sure. I would contact my vet but he's on vacation.


Your kitten may have a serious medical issue. The sooner she can see a vet(it doesn't necessarily have to be your regular vet) the better. I am concerned that she may have gotten a foreign body (like tinsel, needle and thread, etc) lodged in her digestive tract. It would account for belly pain and being listless. She may even have something in her throat that isn't quite blocking her airway, but could shift. In my opinion this kitten needs medical attention urgently. At worst it may just turn out to be a really heavy parasite burden, but I would treat this situation as a foreign body until proven otherwise. This is urgent!!!Don't delay in getting her medical help, because if this is a foreign body waiting could cost your kitten her life. Good luck! I truly hope that it isn't too serious, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.