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how long is a cats memory i would like to now because i had a cat run away and my mom says they only have a memory of 3 days and if that's trow thin Im not going to see my cat again


Like humans, cats have both short term and long term memories, so the 3 days (and I have no idea where your mom heard the 3 day thing) is really not what the cat relies on.

Most cats when they run away, they tend to stay close to home and hide near by.  Cats are very good at hiding in plain sight.  So, I would leave your garage door open a bit, so the cat can get in and provide food and water and see if your cat does turn up.  You can also post signs around the neighborhood and see if anyone has seen your cat.  I have seen cats which have been missing for a few weeks suddenly show up, again.

Best regards... Norm.