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Cat began peeing a fews days after declawing and neuter surgery


I have a 9 month old male cat who was de-clawed and neutered on Thursday.  He was fine (with pain medication of course) until Sunday night when he peed on the bed.  I did fall asleep before giving him his pain medication on Sunday night.  I figured it was a one time thing, possible due to a lack of pain medication, but I checked the litter and it was clean (yesterdays news recommended by the vet).  So we washed the bedding and sprayed the entire area with Natures Miracle (also recommended). On Monday night I gave him the last of his pain medication, at about 2 am I awoke due to the most awful smell, a cat had pooped in the corner!  I say a cat because we have two, they are brothers and the other male was already neutered.  So in cleaning up this mess at 2 am I noticed that the bed was peed in again this time in a different spot! At 2 am I was not happy, so I cleaned this up with natured miracle again.  I also checked the litter again and it was clean.  I have assumed that it was the cat who recently had surgery because it still smells somewhat like spray and the vet told me that it would be possible for him to spray for 9 to 11 days.  The cat(s) did pee in the bed once before when it was an air mattress, but we went away for about four days and by that time the litter was a little funky.  However this was definitely not spray and the problem stopped as soon as the litter was clean.  So I am wondering if this problem is medical or he is just in too much pain to get off of the bed or even possibly he just turned into a dirty cat after surgery.

Hi Samantha,

I would think it is to do with the trauma of the surgery, and suggest maybe putting a few drops of a product called 'Rescue Remedy' his water. You can buy this through health food stores and pharmacies- it is a natural remedy for humans to use when feeling stressed, and it is safe for cats to take. It may help with the stress of kitty, and he'll go back to normal bathroom behaviour.

Please be patient with kitty, it sounds like he's been through a lot. I know how frustrating it is to have kitty going to the washroom where-ever he wants, but I suspect he is just trying to communicate his pain, and the behaviour will stop. Try the rescue remedy and see if that yields any results, and continue what you're doing with the Natures Miracle in areas that he has used.

Good luck with the little guy, it sounds like you're taking good care of him. I hope he feels better soon.