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Pudgy Kitty


Hi Karen. I have a three year old female cat named August and well she's pudgy. I never thought she was "overweight" but i heard something about however fat you think you're cat is they are 10x that..or something like that. My cat NEVER goes outside she is terrified. Which is weird because i rescued her from outside when she was a kitten. But anyways she doesn't eat any people food i won't allow it and she doesn't like it. So all she eats is cat food. So i don't know what else to do to give her exercise.

Hi Brenna,

Get a laser pointer. Cats love to chase the red dot. Play with her for about 10 minutes a day. Change her food over to a no or low grain food. Cats on a diet of foods like EVO, Wellness, Innova or Nature's Variety do better and keep weight off. Feed her exactly what it says on the bag. Split the amount up into 4-5 feedings during the day. A combo of the exercise and high quality food should have her losing weight and becoming fitter. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen