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cat moving kittens


3 weeks ago my cat gave birth to 3 kittens, everything is going great untill today when she keeps moving them from their box and hiding them under the spare room bed, i put them back then a while later she moved them to under my sons bed. why has she started doing this.1 year ago she had 2 kittens and they both died within 2 days of each other at 2 wks old,any connection. not sure if i am being overley concerned.

Hi Becki, cats always want to move their kittens at 3 weeks old. It is because they have the instinct that they need a fresh bed to have the kittens in. In the wild the scent from her nest would be getting strong and predators may be locating her nest of babies... so the mom's move them. Not all mom's do this.. but the really good ones do !! :)
So, not to worry. As long as she spends time with her kittens and they are not crying all the time... just leave her be. In the next couple of weeks she will probably come into heat again and will be moving the kittens again and be more restless and feeding them less etc.... this is a tougher time and you may need to help with the kitten care, but at this point she should be ok. Just leave her put the kittens where she wants and you can always sneak some extra blankets under them later today once she is settled and happy.