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Elder Cat Question


Preface:  I am single, mid-life, and live alone except for my cats.

I used to have four cats.  After living together somewhat harmoniously, three ganged up on one and I had to separate them.  Since then, one has lived upstairs (my bedroom area) and three have lived downstairs.  I kept the door between the floors closed at all times.  This keep all cats happy for many years.

Within the past year, I have lost two of the downstairs cats.  This leaves one elder cat downstairs that has always preferred other cats to humans and one cat upstairs that has always preferred humans to cats.  

Hoping I could get the two remaining cats to get along, I placed a baby gate they can't get through at the base of the stairs where the door is.  Now I leave the gate in place all the time and never shut the door so they can see that they are the only two left.

It's not looking good.  The downstairs cat comes right to the gate and the upstairs cat comes down the steps about half way and hisses and/or growls at the downstairs cat.  

Is it possible that over time they will be able to get along enough to share the whole house?  Or am I teasing the cats by allowing each to see me with the other cat?  (The upstairs cat is waiting for me at night and the downstairs cat is waiting for me in the morning.  They both seem to be very territorial where I am concerned.)

I know this is long and I apologize for having taken so much of your time.  I sincerely appreciate that you will consider responding.


Nancy Snyder

Hi Nancy,

There is always hope that the cats may eventually get along.  I wouldn't give up yet!  If you are going to reintroduce them, make sure you do it slowly.  Short periods of time at first and then slowly increase it so that they are eventually both free in the home to go wherever they want.  Even if the cats don't get along, they will often determine their places in the household and just avoid each other.  The two cats should be able to coexist without too much trouble eventually.

Another thing you can try is a feline pheromone diffuser (feliway).  It can be purchased at pet stores and vet clinics.  It emits a feline facial pheromone and has a calming effect on cats.  Often, helping with aggressive or territorial cats in a home.  

I hope this helps a bit.  If you have any further questions, let me know and good luck with the two cats.  I hope they come to be best buddies soon! :) Let me know how it turns out...
