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7 week old kitten throwing up


I have a 7 week old kitten that I have been taking care of since he was one day old, someone threw him in a dumpster. He has been doing very good up till 2 days ago when he started throwing up white foam and then today he threw up his food. He ate his food, played for an hour then fell asleep, when he woke up he threw up alot of food, it looked like everything he had eaten. I'm not sure if he is sick or if I over fed him. I leave food out for him all day. Please help.


I do not like the white foam episode.  It sounds as if the kitten might have gotten into something that was not good for him. This may explain the subsequent throwing up. A couple of episodes of throwing up could mean all kinds of things, but is usually not too serious unless the food has been digested for quite a while and has a bilious smell!

We tend to feed measured amounts twice a day and not let our cats "graze" during the day. This way we have better control of their diets.

If the kitten is not doing any better, by Monday, you should take him into your vet to see what is going on.  In a pinch, we have given Pepto-Bismol to a cat who has an unsettled stomach, but without knowing what the kitten may have gotten into, I would err on the side of caution. If the kitten seems really dire, you might consider an emergency veterinary clinic.

Please let me know what happens.

Concerned regards... Norm.