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My Kitten is sick after getting fixed


Hi amanda, im very worried about my kitten, my old cat recently had kittens and i kept 2 of them one buy and one girl, the boy got fixed everything went fine, but my female kitten who is old enough to have the operation is having REALLY bad symptoms, HEAVY breathing, ZERO energy, i cuahgt her hugging the water bowl, like she was thirsty or somethign but jus couldnt do it, i think she is dying and i im so scared, ill recep the symtoms, Heavy breathing for over 1 day now, ZERO energy, she looks like shes slipping away from me, i know this isnt normal for a female cat after getting for i have another female cat who was fixed and everything went fine, help me please

She needs to see a vet as soon as possible.  Since she has recently had surgery she could be having complications from that including internal bleeding which could definitely account for the lethargy.  Heavy breathing is also not a good sign - I would rush her to the vet right away.
