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20 16:40:37

My cat is 14 years old and small. It is being bullied by one or more neighbouring cats and they fight a lot. The aggresive cats are too quick for me to take action against them so how do I help my cat?


At age 14 your cat is probably beginning to fail, which is one of the reasons it is being picked on.  Size makes no real difference.  I would get your cat to a vet to see if there are any physical problems.

To prevent aggression by other cats, your only real option would be to keep the cat indoors. It is surprising your cat made it this far as outdoor and indoor/outdoor cats generally do not live to a ripe old age (3-5 years on average) as opposed to indoor only cats (12-15 years on average). Usually, other predators, people, or automobiles shorten a cats life in the out of doors.

Best regards... Norm.