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cat peeing on our bed


We have had our cat for about 2 years now.  She is a great cat, she always uses her litter box and is fun to have around.  Recently however she has been peeing and pooping in and on our bed, chair and couch.  Her litter box is almost always clean and she has never had peeing problems before.  She seems to urinate when she is mad at us.  She peed in our bed after we left the house for a few hours.  She pooped and peed in our bed after we closed the window and she still wanted to look outside.  I don't think she has any medical problems because she is a young cat and she only pees on things when she is mad at us.  We don't know what to do, and we are tired of washing sheets and smelling pee all the time.  Please help us!

these sorts of problems are either behavioral or as you say a medical condition. Often when this behavior continues for some time i always recommend that you do get her checked to rule out any underlining medical problem (see my web page about urination problems here /cat-urinary-problems.html

if it is behavioral then this is also common and is caused by the desire for the cat to make herself feel more secure in their home environment by making it smell like her, this is way it can often happen when a cat is left alone, they feel stressed and so urinate in the home to make it smell of them. My cat has done this several times.

The problem is complicated and their is no one answer to the problem. Again can i ask that you read my page about both cat urination issues and re training a cat to use the litter tray here

Generally this kind of behavior is associated with anxiety, the problem is discovering the cause of the anxiety so that you can stop it. See if their are any changes in either your home, your routine or outside the house which may have triggered the problem.

Best wishes