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power out. house cold


Due to stormy weather I have been without power now for 24 hours and our house is cooling. My wife and I have made arrangements to stay with friends who have power and one of my concerns is for our indoor, maine coon mix. Rather than uprooting him from the familiarity of his home and causing him stress, I would like to leave him be. However, if we experience long-term power loss and the house continues to cool, at what low temperature does it start to become dangerous for cats and I should get him out of there? Quick response would be helpful. Thanks!

Hi David!  Sorry to hear that you're without power...

Cats are pretty resilient and can take the changes in temperature.  How cold is it in your house?  If the temp gets below 60, then I'd consider moving your little one in with you, but if it stays around 70-ish or high 60's, you should be just fine.  Just make sure there is plenty of water and food for your little one, and lots of blankets around to keep him warm.

Good luck!