Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Maggots.



I've noticed that the last time I went to change my cats Litter, there were maggots in the litter. I don't know if any got on him and I'm very afraid for him to get sick. if they get on/in him what type of symptoms can I expect from him? And how can i get this treated?


They probably are not maggots but some kind of worms.  If there have been fleas, they probably would be tape worm segments.  The other possibility is they could be some kind of round worms.

The good news is that they are very easy to treat once you identify what they are.

I would take a stool sample and sample of whatever it is in the litter pan to your vet to identify what they are and to provide you the treatment for them.

The normal symptoms for worms are voracious appetite, loss of weight, and dull, dry coat.

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.