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cat depression


I have bought a cat from a family which they kept this cat for 3 months.
There were no problem associated with my cat while she was staying at my home for 4 days.every things was satisfying, unfortunately last dasy she stop playing, eating .her behavour completely changed and she become depressed, as i think. i dont know whats happens to her:(
Please help me
I have also say that i always played with her .:(

cats sometimes get the off day just like us humans do, my own cat will have days where she appears to be depressed but then she bounces back. However if your cat has stopped eating it would suggest that maybe they are not feeling well and that is what is making them appear depressed.
Watch them for a couple of days to see if they start to eat again and if they get back to their old self. If not, take them to the vets for a check over, It may be something simple like a cold but it is much better to be safe than sorry.

best wishes