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Cat peeing on furniture and clothes


We have three cats. My wife has a female part persion spade and I have two males, an orange tabby and a chocolate point siamese cross, both neutered.
We all moved in together last March, and since then our female cat keeps pissing everywhere but her box. It's frustrating because we have to keep our bedroom door closed since she used our bed and clothes as her box. My Siamese mail beats up on her quite a bit and my tabby does too but not so much. What we are trying to find out is our female cat stressed because the males beat up on her? If so, what can we do to stop this? If not, why is she pissing everywhere except her box? Finally, what is a good method from stopping her from peeing on everything other then her box? Please respond to above email address.


They did not forward me your e-mail address, so I am responding the usual way.

Yes, your female is stressed and that is probably why she is peeing where she should not.  

No matter what, to clean up the areas where she pees, you need to use an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets and farm stores).

I will also provide you a link to some excellent material on inappropriate toilet habits of cats written by a vet who is also a cat breeder:

It is possible the female has a urinary tract infection which can cause peeing everywhere.  A visit to the vet would confirm or rule this out as a possibility.  The stress of dealing with the other two cats may have brought this on.

More likely, the problem is behavioral.  I have felt that some cats use bathroom habits (just like toddlers do) to show they are annoyed with their human owners (parents).  Anyway, one thing you might try is a Feliway diffuser (see your local pet supermarket) in the area she pees in the most where she should not.

Some other questions to ask are:

Did you change out litter boxes or litter when the new cats came?  Some cats are very particular about the litter pans and litter they will use.

Do you have enough litter pans for the cats and are they located apart?  Some cast are very territorial about litter pans and will actually not let another cat use "their" litter pan.  Having more than one litter pan located in different parts of the household can be helpful in these cases.

I am sure the article will have some other possibilities and suggested remedies which may help in your situation.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.