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cats mucus plug


What does a cat's mucus plug look like?  This morning, I noticed something that looked like a small piece of poop on our floor with a little mucus substance near it.  This sounds gross, but it did not have the normal poop smell and our stray has been very good about using the litter box.  I belive she is due within the next week.  She also looks small but our vet says she has only 3 kittens and was skinny when we found her.  We are feeding her water and kitten chow...should we give her anything else for her health right now?


Gross as it may sound, the mucous plug looks a huge nose booger.  Normally, you do not see these, and, it is usually a portent of imminent kitten birth.  I would watch her carefully to see if she exhibits nesting behavior, gets her milk in, breaks her water, etc.

Yes, get her any commercially available feline pet vitamins she will eat with her kitten chow.  I like Kitty Bloom, if you can find it.  If you can find bone meal, add that to her food for extra calcium.  A good canned food, like Friskies or 9 Lives, to use to mix the vitamins and bone meal in to make it more palatable would be a good idea.

Best regards... Norm.