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Cat fixed, still going in to heat


A few months ago my cat was fixed and a few weeks later she went back in to heat. We took her back to the vet and they said that they probably left some tissue behind and could go back in to try and find it. I do not want to put my cat through another surgery because the first one traumatized her so much. Is it okay for her not to have the surgery, is there any long term health issues I should be concerned about if I leave her the way she is now? She was never very vocal and makes no noise when in heat and is doesn't bother anyone at all, I'm just worried this might cause problems if it doesn't get fixed.



Hi Briana,

It depends. She most likely has some ovarian tissue left. I don't know of any long term complications from this being left in her other than going into heat.  Ask your vet about that. If you do decide to have the surgery do it when she is in the heat cycle. This way the tissue will be swollen and it will make it easier for your vet to find it. If her heat cycle doesn't bother you then i would leave her alone. Good luck and let me know what you plan to do.

Ciao, Karen