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Heat of cat


My cat stopped nursing three days ago.  She nursed her babies about 8 weeks.  Approximately, how long will it be before she goes into heat?  What will the signs be?
Kim Howe


Very often there is a lactation heat around 4 weeks (usually pretty mild).  She could come into heat any time.  Cats are usually not regular in their seasons like dogs.  So, she could come into heat immediately, or not for many months.  Every cat is different. If you are going to spay her, now would be a good time.

Generally, a queen in heat will be very vocal (calling), she may stretch her body and get very low to the ground with her hind legs very angulated (paddling), and she may, in this position, hold her tail to the side (flagging).  Sometimes the nipples are a bit more prominent and pinker than normal.  Some females pee all over the place and urinate on all kinds of vertical surfaces (walls, doors, furniture, etc.).

Best regards... Norm.