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Help me before my kittn dies,please!




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Question -
I have been in distress for days! I cried all day yesterday because all but one kitten died. I am not too happy with my vet, she knew I was having problems and she never even called me back, now the weekend is here, she is closed until tomorrow morning. The emergency alternative vet said there wasn't much they could do but tell me to use a heating pad and feed kittens until Monday. Well I went online for more research and find out kittens can die from heating pads....well too late. I am now using the rice and sock method. Seems to be working great but I am exhausted from doing this every hour on the hour, all night long. I also bought a kitty bottle, but the milk didn't squirt out , I even tried a razor blade for the nipple, no progress. I am now using a baggy, and I bite a small tip off the corner, that's working great. Can you help me with my questions.... 1. I work 2:00 PM until 11:00 PM all next week. The one kitten will be alone with mommy. Will it die without my help for so many hours? I don't have anyone near me to help. 2. Do you think they were premature? No hair on feet and legs. And the private parts area doesn't even look like the holes are opened. 3.Why isn't kitten drinking from the mommy? I put his little head near mom but he just lays there. He almost seems like he is looking then gives up. Could my mamma cat be dried up? 4. Why is this kitten still alive, and the others died? One reason for there deaths is momma layed on them and I went in to check on them and they were smashed to death. Did the mamma do this on purpose to keep them warm, or to kill them because she knew they was ill? 5.Do you think this last one will survive if he made it this long? He is about the size of a small mouse. 6. My momma cat is still bleeding (spotting) is this normal or is she dying too? I will be going to my vet in morning, I just need some peace of mind until then. Thanks for your time.

Answer -
There are so many possibilities its hard to say where to start. They could be premies. Moms will lay on and smother and kill sick or premature kittens and also do this if she can't feed them all. But if she isn't feeding them, you have to and they need to be fed every two hours. Its exhausting but that is what they need. In addition, after every feeding you must rub their bellies since they can not pee or poop on their own for weeks. If you don't do it, they will die. Gently run before you feed them and again after feeding so that they pee and poop. they may not go every time but keep doing it and they should. They also will need vet care. they could have worms which also kill. As far as feeding them you must feed kitten milk replacement formula - not milk as that will cause diarhea and that could kill them too. If mom is still belleding she may be in bad shape too and maybe not caring for the kittens because she can't.  I strongly suggest that you get a new vet as well, very irresponsible one that you have is no good. There are alot of bad vets out there so get recommendations if you can. And last, after mom is healthy, get her SPAYED. There are too many kittens killed in shelters every day for lack of homes; please don't let any more be born in your home. If your kitten survives the first two weeks of life, with you feeding every two hours and proper vet care for deworming, write again and I will walk you through care for weeks two through 6 weeks old when kittens mature enough to eat on their own and use the litter pan.

I hope I am doing this right by adding my response to the bottom of yours, I am new to this site. BUT, thank you so much for the reply. However they all died, i am so upset. And you are 100% right! My momma will get fixed this week, hopefully. My vet is charging over 200.00. Is that a normal price? I dont think she is bleeding anymore, she is just crying for her babies. I put the box outside and washed and disinfected everything when i woke up and found the last one dead, i was so sad and upset, maybe I should of waited for mamma to say goodbye..I know, it sounds so silly, but my heart is broken over this horrible experience. I love animals and i never had to deal with them dying in my arms before, its just awful. I dont know who is more upset, the mamma or me. Well thanks for your time, it means the world to me that you care enough to help.

I am so sorry to hear that. Please do not take this upon yourself; under the circumstances there may not have been any way to save them. It happens all too often. This is just another reason why I always stress having pets spayed and neutered. There is just no reason for us to allow unneeded suffering when there is something we can do about it.
As for the cost of the procedure, yes that charge is typical at a private vet. However it is possible that you local ASPCA offers lower cost spay/neuter program. You can call and see if they do if the cost is problematic for you. But whatever you decide to do, please be sure and get the operation done.
I really appreciate the opportunity to reach out to people in this way and help promote proper care of our companion animals. There are so many misconceptions or worse out there so its important to get the right messages out there. Thank you for trying to do your very best for your momma and her babies. To pass it forward, please always remember to spread the word about responsible pet care and promote all pets being spayed and neutered. Thank you.