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? cat breed


Hi.  I would like to purchase a cat which would get along okay with a Westie dog ( she has lived with cats before).  Also one that doesn't shed too much hair.  Ideally, would like one that doesn't have a tendency to go hunting, i.e. a more placid breed as I don't want birds or mice brought in to the house.  

Can you help?  ( We previously had an Egyptian Mau, she was lovely, but had a real habit of deliberately going out to hunt and brought live and dead mice in)


Any cat, any breed of cat, has the natural propensity to hunt.  Cats delight in bringing their prey back home. There is lots of speculation as to why they do this, but no one really understands the meaning of the behavior! So, the only way to prevent the hunting is to have the cat as indoors only.

As to breeds, the British Shorthair or American Shorthair will do fine with Westies, if introduced properly as kittens.  All cats, except the hairless varieties, shed.  However, there are other challenges as regards maintenance with hairless breeds. The two breeds I mentioned are short haired, but will shed. They also are a bit more staid than some of the other breeds.

I hope this helps.

Best regards... Norm.