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Cat has black spike things coming out of anus


Hi, I have a 14 year old male kitty who I've been treating for fleas. I see no flea dirt on his coat but he continues to lick his legs and stomach. I've given Advantage about 3 weeks ago. Gave him a bath, etc. Today I noticed black spike looking things around his anus. There are two of them, one of the left and one on the right. They don't look like worms. What is that and what can I do? I haven't noticed tapeworms on him or in his stool.  Any info you can provide would be appreciated.

This sounds like his anal glands might be blocked.  This happens sometimes, and more so it seems in males, and can be uncomfortable, which may explain all the licking of that area your kitty is doing.  You should take him in to your vet to have the anal glands "expressed" or un-blocked.  Its a very simple procedure, much like squeezing a pimple, but since there is the possibility of infection you shouldn't try to do it yourself.  Have your vet show you how, though, so that you can do it yourself if it happens again.