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siamese kitten behavior


I recently bought a 8 weeks old siamese choco point kitten, during the first two days he was in the house, he was quite shy and afraid of loud noises, always running to his favorite hiding place but during the past few days after he had gotten comfortable with the new surroundings, he has turned into a really..really playful cat, chasing people around the house. He has also been quite playful even when left alone, chasing tiny specks around the floor or playing with and destroying stuff around the house.  You can also frequently see him running and jumping around the house, even bumping his head into things around the house.  And even when you try to caress him, he will try to bite and claw you. So we have resorted to putting him to a cage, when no ones around to look after him, to prevent him from further destroying stuff around the house or hurting himself. I know he is quite a young kitten, but is this kind of behavior normal, and what can we do to train him to behave. I'm also worried about putting him in the cage as a punishment. I'm also planning to move him around a lot, since I frequently stay at my computer shop, I've been thinking of bringing him along and bringing him back to house when I go home, will he be able to adapt to these frequent change of location?
Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

Hi David!
Yes, you are describing a perfectly normal Siamese kitten.  I presently have two and they are like wild indians running through the house!  I really think caging your kitten is a bad idea.  He will outgrow the more aggressive playfulness, but for now, he is doing what kittens do best. You need to get him some toys and if you can, get him one of those large cat trees. I have one that goes from the floor to the ceiling, and not only do the cats love to play on it, but they also use it to scratch on.  The biting and and clawing he is doing to you is all a part of his playful behaviour, believe it or not. My kittens do that to each other and you would think they are killing each other from the noises they make.  I really think your kitten is being a very typical Siamese, which are known to be quite active, and by putting him in a cage it is repressing him.  I think if you get him some toys , it will help.  Just boxes are fun for them to play in. I took two boxes, taped them together and made a "playhouse" for my cats.  After taping them together, I cut open a "door" and all around it, I cut little holes that they can see through and/or put their paws through.  They LOVE it!!  By the way, I also have  a 1 year old Siamese that used to be "wild child" and now he has calmed down a lot. He kinda watches the two younger ones play and ever now and then he will get involved with them, but he is no where near as "wild" as he was as a kitten, so there is hope!  LOL
As far as moving him back and forth, he may get used to it and be fine, but most cats do NOT like change and will show their dislike by not using their litter box and peeing on the bed, or other weird behaviours.  Since he is young though, he may get used to it and actually like it.

Good luck and God bless,