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The meaning behind hissing!


Hi Karen, how are you? I am very curious as to the reasons and interpretations behind why a cat hisses (but not as a bad thing). My fiancee and I's cat, Daisy, is the greatest cat! She is so loved and spoiled that she is just like a human being! She has a very unique and distinctive personality. Her life is probably among the best there could be! She gets much attention. With that said, I want to mention that she hisses so randomly with no good cause. Now my fiancee and I live by ourselves over an hour away from family and friends so we don't get company too often. When we do, Daisy is fine with everyone except my mom and dad who only walk over to pat her until Daisy hisses up a storm and swipes my mom with her paws 100mph! (she is declawed). BUT, when she hisses, she actually stays in the same place and never ever runs away to hide. It's like it's a game or something! Her tail is always wagging so her hissing is not out of fear or anger, so what is it? Also, when I play hide and seek with her almost every night, I usually peak my head out of where theres a bannister 3 feet off the ground at the top of a flight of stairs. Daisy will run at me and jump on the bannister and lean over at me. At this point, I start using hand movements to "instigate her" which results in her hissing at me!! But she doesnt leave or run off. She stays up there and wants more. The hissing is very harmless and more of a playful thing. But why? Don't we always associate hissing with angered cats? Growling is an obvious anger thing right? She has growled on occasion and you know to stay away from her at that point. Please let me know anything you can. Thanks so much!

Hi Paul,

Things are great here. I hope that all is going good with you. There are a few reasons for hissing. The number one reason is that it is a warning. It doesn't necessarily mean that she is angry, just that she is letting you know to watch out.
When a cat wags its tail it is not like a dog's wagging. it is not a sign that she is happy. it is another warning sign that your cat is a little agitated. Now the agitation could be from excitement such as when you are playing with her, or it could be from annoyance when your Mom is over. Cats sometimes get annoyed when their routine is disturbed by outside influences such as visits. The growling, as you know, is the next step up. It is the one way your cat is letting you know that she is really pissed off and to watch out. I'm glad you back off then.  Just be aware that her hissing is letting you know that she is agitated either from annoyance or excitement. I hope this answered what you needed to know. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen