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bladder stones


My cat went to the emergency June 11 this last week and found he was blocked.They drained his bladder and said I should think about surgery to remove the stones.I took him home and took him to my vet,he wanted to see if the stones would dissolve on there own,with he aid of antibiotics,however hes urinating all around the house and vomiting .How long can you wait if your cat is blocked and has small stones.Time factor ,it's Sunday afternoon 12:00 my vet doesn't open till 8:30 am on Monday.Help

Hi Sharon, I'm sorry to hear about your boy!  As long as he IS peeing alot (and not just a drip or two) he should be ok to wait until first thing Monday!  BUT - if you see him straining to pee and only 1 tiny drop comes out, he's totally blocked again and will need to get taken in for emergency surgery!

I had a boy cat for almost 10 years that had these all the time, and by peeing ON me (waking me right up of course!), he went in for antibotics often!  Boys more often than girls, and in time more often, but it is something they can help so thank YOU for caring so much about your sweet baby.

Just watch him very carefully this afternoon/tonight for the trying to pee, but little or none coming out - That means an ER trip - otherwise first thing Monday and I'll put you both in my prayers that he can get his antibotics (yes, sometimes they will throw up on these), and get him breaking down those stones.

Please let me know what you hear from your Vet ok?  Bless you.
