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My Adult male cats gums are all red, inflamed & bleeding



You have help me before, actually this past week, but I'm not quite sure you can help me with this problem.  I fed my cat hours ago, and noticed something brown on his fur near his mouth. I went to wipe it off and say his gums are all swollen and inflamed, top and bottom row of his teeth.. I took a tissue to rub near his gum, and there was blood on it. I know that this is an infection. Help! Can I do anything for him at home. If so what? to help cure it. If he needs antibiotics, what type does he need?  I gave him an antibiotic that I have at home here, I think I'm going to take him to the vet in the morning.

Thank you Norman,


Remember, I am not a vet!!!!!

If it is gingivitis, the antibiotic of choice is antirobe-aquadrops (clindamycin).  We, also, usually put them on a mild regimen of prednisone to take the swelling away.  Note, prednisone needs to be used very carefully and under supervision of your vet.  Unfortunately, there are other things it could be (for example, it could be an autoimmune stomatitis).

I would get him to your vet to see what is really going on and get all the right dosages for the antibiotics and prednisone.  

Best regards... Norm.