Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Festus



Pati, you are so kind. I may at some point get another kitty. I can't imagine my life without one. But for now I think my Tabby will do. This is one hardly New Englander who is moving to Florida where the weather is milder. I have a sister down there, otherwise I don't think I'd go that far South. I adore cats but hate ROACHES! It may take us a while to sell out here but eventually..
My husband told our daughter (without my knowledge, I might add, that she could get another kitten right off. I just learned this tonight. :-)
Festus only messed up my keyboard once. She tried many times but everytime I caught her I would put her down (on the floor I mean) Well, apparently I didn't catch her EVERYTIME! ha ha!

Joyce in Maine (for now)


I don't blame you for wanting to go south!

I wanted to tell you, if you look on the Purina Kitten Chow bags, the yellow one with the gray and white kitten on it--that's our kitten!  Ashley was loaned out for the photo shoot, as a fair number of our kitties are.  She didn't turn out quite as friendly as she appears on the bag, though, so she's still with us.  Many of the animal trainers for the studios come to us because our cats and kittens are so used to a lot of noise they don't freak out on set.  I've had kittens that did the commercial where a kitten starts out walking up stairs and it gets older as it climbs.  I've even had some on a TV show (I got to watch, most boring night of my life!).
If you write again mark it "private" and I'll give you my own e-mail so we don't have to keep corresponding through here.

Again,  I'm sorry about Festus.  Remember a kitten is a lot of work, maybe you could get a "teenager", one that's six months old or more.  I like the old geezers, myself, even if it means I won't have them around very long.