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Cat Injury, Missing



I have a 9-year-old outdoor cat, Elvis.  He is almost completely deaf.  (It's just within the past couple of years that he has been going deaf.)  He was asleep under my dad's car when my dad got a call saying his father was having a stroke.  My father had to go drive his father to the hospital.  While he was backing out of our driveway, he may have run over Elvis' leg or tail (or he may have bumped him with the tire, I'm not sure).  Elvis ran down the driveway and under the house.  I ran outside, but by the time I got around to the back of the house to look for him, he was gone.  This was at 11:00 CT this morning, and I have not seen him since.  (It's now almost 9:00 at night.)  We live in the woods, and everything is all grown up, so that has made the search difficult.  Also, it's pointless to try and call him, though I have been ringing a high-pitched bell that he can sometimes hear.  I'm very worried about him.  He could be in the woods somewhere, suffering.  He has missed his dinner, which is extremely unusual.  

I have wondered if he was hit badly on his leg, since he was able to run.  He wouldn't be able to run with a bad leg, would he?  (Also, he's very large - around 20 lbs.)  Also, do you have any tips for finding him?  I'm very worried about him.  Thank you so much,


Hi Kelly,
this just breaks my heart.  I am so sorry. He is probably injured worse than you think,that is why he isn't coming home. Even though he ran off, his injuries could still be bad enough for him not to be able to come home, for example he could be bleeding internally.  As you said , since he is deaf it is useless to call him.  I think your best bet would be to do a search for him, maybe you can get people to help you. You may try leaving food for him in different areas, although other animals may eat it and you won't know if it was him or not.   If he is badly injured, he will be hiding somewhere. I'm so sorry, I wish I could be of more help, this is just a very sad situation.

God Bless,