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normal behaviour?


Hello Norman, I have two cats. A male and a female. though my female cat is over a year now she still gets into trouble almost everyday.she gets stuck on trees, falls down from the window three floors below,sleeps for only 3-6 hours a day and rest of the time is bouncing around. She looks as old as a five month old kitten and has not grown much. she is also very thin. what can I do to keep her out of trouble?  


Is your female spayed?  If not, this is what she needs most!!!!!

The only way to keep a cat from "getting into trouble" out of doors is to keep the cat inside.  If this is impossible, then there is not much you can do.

Cats should be sleeping at least half the day or more.  If she is spayed, there could be a medical problem (maybe with her eyesight or she may have an ear infection?).  I would have her checked by a veterinarian just to be on the safe side.

Best regards... Norm.