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our cats eye


Our 10 month old male cat has a wierd looking eye.
It happened once before and then was ok after a few days.
It almost looks like his eye lid is inside out.  
Does this sound serious?  This is our first pet, we found him in the rain at 3 months old, and I don't know when to worry!  

Cats do have something which is an interior eyelid which is a membrane that is whitish in color and it is underneath the regular lid. It helps them to protect their eyes very well. It may be that you are seeing this lid but it should not be showing. I would think that he may have some health problem that is causing this and you should take him to the vet. Read this article and take a copy with youto the vet in case he is not familiar with the problem.

The health problems mentioned in this article are not the only possible causes of the eyelid showing, and there may not be anything seriously wrong with him at all, but it should definitely be checked out by a vet.
Eyedrops may be prescribed and as the article says, he may need a deworming. If this is the problem, the article says it does go away but if there is an underlying health problem like worms, that needs to be treated for certain. If I am off base all together and its the main eyelid and not the interior one, then I would see a vet anyway since I cannot think of any normal reason for that to be happening either. Definitely take him to the vet.