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Age of cats


Hi there,
I am interested to find out what the average lifespan of a household cat is.
I have had my tabby cat for 17 years and she is still healthy and spritely (if only a little deaf) I am just interested to know if this is considered old age for a cat as everyone seems surprised when they find out her age.



Wow, you and your cat are doing great!!!!!

The average lifespan for the indoor kitty is 12-15 years, although cats living into their twenties is becoming more common.  Like people, old age is a matter of good genes and good luck as well as good household conditions, good feeding, regular yearly checkups with the vet, and lots of love and attention.

We usually consider any cats older than 10 years of age as geriatric.  The yearly vet visit is mainly to check out general physical health, but just as importantly to check the teeth.  At age 17, your kitty no longer needs any vaccinations unless your jurisdiction mandates rabies vaccines.

Congratulations on having a well lived kitty.

Best regards... Norm.