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My friends cat is very aggressive towards me and new kitten


I am keeping my friend's cat while she's on holidays and have brought my 12 weeks old kitten along so they can get used to each other when i go away for 2 weeks. I am keeping my kitten in a room with her food, litter and toys when i am not in and let the kitten explore when i am here. The house cat has been growling and hissing constantly even if the kitten is not in her sight. She doesn't want me even to touch her and will growl at me. Most of the times she's been going out and hiding when the kitten. I am just scared she's going to hurt my kitten. How long will it take for them to get along? I have been here for 5 days already...

try rubbling the kitten with a clean towels then rub the towel around doors and furniture etc to spread the scent. It will help your cat to get used to the scent without actually seeing the kitten.

The best thing i can do is to ask you to read my page about introducing cats to each other here

it may help you to intoduce these two cats but i do warn you now it can sometimes take a long time if at all for cats to accept each other, just like how we don't get on with everyone. Sometimes the best you can hope for is that they tolerate each other.

Any way i wish you all the best and i will keep my fingers crossed that the cats will gets used to each other soon.

best wishes