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mother cats behaviour after birth


my cat gave birth to 6 kittens today, She has been very good with them has not left them alone all day but this evening seems very with held from them and constantly calling for me. I just caught her pick up one of the kittens and take it into the living room behind the sofa, why did she do this, is this normal? What can i do to help her relax more with the babies, they are in a nesting box, in a veruy quiet dark room. many thanks xx

Hi Serena, is this her first litter? sometimes new moms (and even experienced moms) want you with them a lot for the first couple of days after delivery. It is almost like you are supposed to help them cope ! they are after all domesticated and consider us as part of their family so they want us to be part of the reproduction thing.. ha ha
If you can spend as much time with her as possible tonight and tomorrow then she will probably settle down and get into a routine and not be quite so panicky to be left alone with them. Right now she is bringing the kittens to you saying "LOOK!! Look at this !! what am I supposed to do with it ??"