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Emergency Financing


Our cat seems to have a bowel obstruction. I have been out of work and just started a job part time at much less income. Our credit has bottomed out due to our financial crash. How do we get affordable payments for help for our furry kid?


Have you tried approaching Care Credit? This organization offers financing with affordable payments for veterinary care in instances where credit is bad or slightly bruised. Have you tried speaking with your vet about a payment plan? Some vets are great about understanding that an unexpected medical crisis is tough to plan for. I also keep an extensive list of organizations and charities which may be willing to cover all or part of the treatment costs for your cat. Due to the fact that there are so many resources it isn't practical for me to list all of them each time I'm contacted by someone who needs some extra help, if you would be so kind as to provide the state that you are writing from I can send off resources within your state immediately. Obviously this is a very urgent situation if the cat does indeed have a bowel obstruction - complications from this could potentially be fatal if not treated promptly.