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Similar to one vicki has asked about - terrible injuries to face due to scratching would seem to be due to some kind of allergy - on steroids at the moment, have tried everything but cat has had to wear plastic buster collar frequently over the past year and a half which definately makes things worse, his ears become ulcerted and I think he is allergic to plastic.  Feel at the end of my tether trying to help my cat, can you help at all?

oh poor kitty he must feel really fed up.

I am not an expert with cat allergies, I would have thought that the vet would have tried some testing but sadly as I am discovering nor all vets are equal.

I d have a web page about cat allergies which may provide some useful information but i would perhaps suggest taking your cat to another vets for a second opinion, as I say different vets have different approaches to problems and it may just be that your cat needs to be more thoroughly examined.

here is my web page about cat allergies


best wishes kate