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What is the breed of my cats



Hello Ali
Thanx for giving us time to get benefit of ur experience
i have a cat and i really wanna know what breed he belongs to and what r his common features and behaviors
i wanna know the best ways to deal with him and make him active as much as possible
i'm gonna attach the image
thank you again


Although I'm not an expert on purebred cats by any means I'd say that your 1st kitty has some Exotic somewhere in his ancestry. Ultimately there's nothing different about keeping a cat with purebred or mixed heritage active and healthy than there is for your average mixed breed 'heinz 57' type cats active and healthy. Ideally you'll want to feed a proper diet (check out for more information on this topic), provide plenty of suitable, safe toys for independent play, make sure to use toys designed for interactive play and spend at least 30 minutes each day (this can be broken up into shorter sessions for cats who get bored easily or are older and tire easily) playing interactively with your kitty. Regular veterinary care is important as well, cats should see a vet at least once each year for a thorough check up, and it's also not a bad idea to become well acquainted with your cat's body by gently running your hands over every part of him daily - that way you'll notice subtle changes in his body sooner which means he can be treated for illnesses sooner rather than later. It's also important to keep an eye on your cat's food and water consumption as well as sleep habits, litter box habits, play habits, etc because subtle changes can indicate early signs of illness or chronic health issues such as arthritis. If you are having specific issues with your kitty that you'd like me to address I'd be more than happy to do that, just send them my way. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.

Kind regards,
