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Effects of sterilizing a feral tom


I have recently been adopted by a feral tom cat who is maybe three years plus old. He is unneutered which, as to now hasn't been a problem, but recently in the next street a female cat has come on heat and my cat has taken a fancy to her. The neighbors on the other street are threatening to kill my cat (I live in Thailand) if I don't get him done, but I am concerned that as he is so big and used to having a 'full' male cat life, that being sterlizied would negetively effect him. He is regularly bullied by another unneurtered feral cat - fights he often loses. Plus my visa my expire and I may have to leave him here. He never sleeps in my house over night and essentially when I leave I hope that he will be able to survive without me and I am not sure how he will be able to do that without being intact?

Hi Christine,

PLease get this cat neutered - for one thing neutered cats are much less likely to be in fights especially serious fights. For another think of all the homeless kittens he will father if you do't do this! I don't know much about the state of cats in Thailand but I imagine it is not good. If there is any way you can bring him home with you please do (that will also be easier if he is neutered, otherwise customs may consider him a "breeding" animal). Even if you can't take him is there someone else who can take care of him when you go?

Whatever happens you will be doing the cat world a favor as well as this particular cat if you have him neutered before you go.