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i have a cat less than a year...

20 16:46:55

i have a cat less than a year old who is very pregnant. her nipples are very large now and she is getting milk sacks i have never had a pregnant cat before and want to know how to tell when she is about to give birth is there are anysigns or symptoms she may have, i don't know how far along she is. didn't even know she was pregnant until she started to show and that was about 6 weeks ago at least and she has just gotten bigger and bigger any thing to help pinpoint would be great

    The average feline gestation period is 63 days (nine weeks).  If your cat started to show signs six weeks ago, I estimate she's ready to give birth any day now.  For a more accurate conclusion, I've compiled a few signs indicative of how far along she may be.

2-3 weeks:  Your cat's nipples will turn a pinkish color and enlarge a bit in preparation for milk.  

3-4 weeks:  She may get morning sickness and vomit from time to time.  

4 weeks:  The kittens will be visible on an x-ray or sonogram, and may be able to be counted.

5 weeks:  Your cat's abdomen will start to enlarge.  

7 weeks:  She may begin to lose her appetite and refuse to eat.  At this point, the kittens' movement can easily be felt.  

7-8 weeks:  She will spend a lot more time grooming herself and might look for a place to have her kittens.  Her nipples will then also become even more swollen.  

2-5 days before birth:  Her nipple may expel a milky fluid.

12-24 hours before birth:  Your cat's temperature will drop one degree Celsius and she may discharge clear or bloody fluid from her vulva.  She may also frequently lick that area.  Her appetite will most likely reduce or disappear.  You will know when she's starting to give birth by the heavy motion of her contractions.  
    The kittens will arrive on the average a half an hour apart, but they may come at a pace anywhere from one a minute to one an hour.
    If you need assistance on how to prepare for the birth of the kittens, contact me again; I'd be happy to oblige.  If, by the time you get this email you cat is already in labor and you have no time to wait for my reply, go to this website:  It will give you any immediate information you'll need in order to ensure the kittens' well-being.  If it's not an emergency, however, please do contact me instead, as I've found some of the information at that site to be slightly incorrect.
    Thank you for chosing me to answer your question; I hope everything goes smoothly.  Also, please remember to leave a comment on my bio page!

Hope I Was of Help,